GENERAL DONATIONS are tax deductible cash donations received at anytime, in any amount from individuals, groups, or organizations who wish to support the ministry efforts of DGQ Ministries/Dignity Gospel Quartet including, but not limited to The Greater Houston Gospel Songfest, Dignity Gospel Quartet concerts, and other ministry efforts to evangelize the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Donors will receive tax deductible receipts for their donations. Donations of $10 or more be done by selecting the button below and indicating the amount you wish to give. Thank you for your generosity and helping us carry the Gospel to the world!
If you would like for a recurring gift to be given monthly, quarterly, twice a year or annually automatically, simply select the type of recurring gift you would like to make, enter your amount and information and submit. If you would like to only give a one-time gift, simply select ONE TIME DONATION, enter your amount and information and submit.
Stay in touch! Keep up-to-date with everything happening with the
Dignity Gospel Quartet and Greater Houston Gospel Songfest Concerts.