IT’S NOW AVAILABLE! Dignity Gospel Quartet is excited to announce the release of our new project titled GOOD NEWS.
Our desire has been to record an array of songs that express the happiness we find in our relationship with God. Peace in knowing His unconditional love for us; our redemption by His sacrifice and grace; our trust in His presence during the trials of this life and our hope in eternity with Him. That dear friends is GOOD NEWS!
I would never hesitate to recommend Russell Allen and the Dignity Gospel Quartet to any church. They have provided several concerts at FBC New Waverly and Gospel Lakes Ranch through the years. Each time I've heard this group their ministry has sent me away feeling like "I've been to church today!" Let them be a blessing to your church or community event.
Dr. J.D. Andrews, Pastor
First Baptist Church
New Waverly, TX
Tickets for this great event are now available online. Call 713-208-9234 for more information and Group Discounts. Ticket orders for groups of 10 or more will receive an automatic 20% discount at checkout.
Tickets for this great event available April 28, 2025. Call 713-208-9234 for more information and Group Discounts. Ticket orders for groups of 10 or more will receive an automatic 20% discount at checkout.
Tickets for this great event are now available online. Call 713-208-9234 for more information and Group Discounts. Ticket orders for groups of 10 or more will receive an automatic 20% discount at checkout.
Frequently, as we visit with fans of Gospel Music we hear them lamenting the fact that they no longer have access to traditional gospel music on their radios. Many gospel music stations have either closed, changed venues or lack the signal strength to reach fans.
In an effort to help we have created SONGFEST FAVORITES RADIO!
Songfest Favorites Radio provides free, nation-wide access to gospel music by favorite artists of many previous decades as well as today's top gospel artists. The progamming is virtually ad-free and available 24 hours a day everyday on your Smartphone, iPad, tablet, computer and most car Smart radios. And, unlike many broadcasts today, you can request your favorite songs by your favorite gospel music artists with the assurance your request will be honored by a human programmer instead of by a robotic programmer that generates "pay for play" results for big promoters and record labels. If we can find it, you can hear it! Simply send an email to and type the word REQUEST on the subject line. Give us the name of the song and the artist and we'll take it from there. If we're unable to locate the song or artist we'll let you know. You can begin listening within a few minutes by following the instructions on this page.
Established in 2004 Dignity Gospel Quartet performs their unique style of Southern Gospel music to churches, church groups, and varied concert venues.
DGQ Ministries is a non-profit, tax exempt 501(c),(3) Christian ministry that uses music as a tool in the delivery of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
While imprisoned approximately 60 years after the death and resurrection of Jesus, the Apostle Paul, exhorts the church in Ephesus (Ephesians 5:1) “to be imitators of God, as beloved children: while (Ephesians 5:19) “speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody with you heart to the Lord.”
Watch the official lyric video for A Witness Today
Visit Our YouTube Channel
There are a couple of ways to support the ministry of Dignity Gospel Quartet.
You can browse our CDs, USBs, T-Shirts & Coffee Mug.
You can donate securely online to our ministry.
Stay in touch! Keep up-to-date with everything happening with the
Dignity Gospel Quartet and Greater Houston Gospel Songfest Concerts.